
Tips, information and inspiration to
help you use your business blog to
position you as the go-to expert for
your ideal client and get more leads

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To see my portfolio of long-form content creation across a variety of formats, including ghostwriting, book reviews, website content and more, head to my Contently profile.

23 places to share your content and get more leads

23 places to share your content and get more leads

Long form content is very effective at generating leads. But, creating that content is only one part of the puzzle. Assuming you have put the time and effort into making an awesome lead magnet, you then need to find places to share that content. You want to maximise...

Lead the Way: How to create a lead magnet that converts

Lead the Way: How to create a lead magnet that converts

Ever visited a website and been prompted to download their FREE checklist or e-book? Or invited to their FREE webinar? To access these freebies you provide your email address and consent to going on their email list. These checklists, e-books, webinars and other...

Five ‘must do’ tips for creating good content

Five ‘must do’ tips for creating good content

Content has become an incredibly popular marketing tool. As the internet becomes the primary source of information for many people, there is a wealth of opportunity to use content marketing to expand your brand’s presence and extend your influence. But, like anything,...

Lexicon, baby! Up your (word) game by expanding your vocab

Lexicon, baby! Up your (word) game by expanding your vocab

In Year 9 I was awarded a book voucher for placing first in Australian History (#historynerd and proud of it). I used it to buy a thesaurus. It was a compact hardcover with a glossy lime green paper wraparound cover. And I loved it. A #wordnerd through and through, I...

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for biz consultants, coaches, VAs and professional services

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